Picture of Prof Dr Michalakelis <br> Christos

Prof Dr Michalakelis

Associate Professor President of "Study in Greece" Researcher of Technoeconomics Engineering

Picture of Dr. Michalakelis <br> Christos

Dr. Michalakelis

Associate Professor President of "Study in Greece" Researcher of Technoeconomics Engineering

My Courses


History of Telecommunications. Telecommunications Systems Model. Information Transmission Techniques. Bandwidth & Spectrum. Analog and Digital Modulation. Transmission Media. Wireless Transmission. Noise. Introduction to Telecommunication Networks. Network Design and Layered Architecture. Circuit versus Packet switching. Multiplexing. General principles on network management. Network examples (Telephony and Data, Mobile, Satellite networks)

Techno-economic Analysis of Information, Telematics and Telecommunications Systems

Technoeconomic analysis, investments, investment portfolio, portfolio analysis, efficiency, budget, securities of constant and adaptive income, investment management, investor profile, capital market, applications on information and communications technology, management of telecom organizations. Diffusion and forecasting of products and servicces in high technology markets. Market competition.

Signals and Systems

Basic signal and systems categories. Continuous and discrete time. Circular and linear Convolution. Ideal and practical Sampling, Nyquist’s Theorem. Definition of stationary and ergodic. Basic properties of Fourier transforms and orthogonal transforms. Fourier Series. FFT. Basic definitions of systems, linear time invariant systems and their representations. Differential equations. Impulse response, transfer function and systems realization. State space representations. z and Laplace transform. Systems stability. Stochastic signals analysis.

Computational Mathematics II

First-Order Partial Differential Equations, Numerics for Partial Differential Equations, Fourier Series – Integrals and Transforms, Line Integrals, Complex Functions and Integration, Möbius Transformation, Special Functions (Beta, Gamma).

The Economics of Digital Technology

Basic economic principles: consumer and producer behavior.
Demand and Supply curves.
Market forms: perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly.
Indifference curves, budgetal constraint, elasticities.
Productions functions. Economies of scale, economies of scope, profit maximization, consumer, producer and social surplus. Externalities.
Supplementary and complementary products.
Examples and applications from the wider area of informatics and telecommunications.

Technoeconomic Analysis of Telecommunications Networks (M.Sc.)

Problems of modern telecommunications and high technology markets.
Technoeconomic analysis – basic principles and stages
Diffusion of products and services in markets – market competition
User behavior and evaluation of preferences – Movement of users among providers – substitution of technological generations etc.
Investments, investment and portfolio analysis
Key economic quantities: Net Present Value – NPV, Internal rate of return – IRR, Project Payback Period, Investments, Operating Costs, Cash Flow, Income, Depreciation, etc.
Risk analysis, uncertainty in market parameters and cost parameters (market size, market share, technology evolution, cost evolution)
Costing of products and services. Costing methodologies and models for networks and services. Historical cost and fully distributed costing. Indirect, direct, common and associated cost, Critical costing factors.
Pricing: Standards for pricing telecommunications services. Pricing methodologies based on cost, demand and competition.
Business plans: main principles, stages for the construction of successful business plans.


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